The Benefits of Air Ionizers: How They Can Help You

Air ionizers are devices that use high voltage to ionize air molecules, creating negative ions that cause particles to adhere to surfaces. They are used in air purifiers to remove particulates from the air, and can help reduce odors and make the air appear fresher. Ionizers can also be used to inactivate viruses such as the flu. In some cases, these devices contain a collector to attract charged particles back to the unit.

While ion generators can remove small particles, no controlled study has confirmed this effect. The frequency of nosocomial infections in British hospitals led the National Health Service (NHS) to investigate the effectiveness of anions in purifying the air, and it discovered that repeated Acinetobacter infections transmitted through the air in a ward were eliminated by installing a negative air ionizer. The infection rate dropped to zero, an unexpected result. A manufacturer has also discovered that the positive and negative ions produced by air conditioning systems inactivate viruses such as the flu. According to Dr.

Felix Gad Sulman, MD, the physiological effects of reported negative ions have had notable benefits for those who used an air ionizer. Unlike many purifier companies, Smart Air does not use ionizers in its purifiers to achieve its high CADR rates, only safe and effective HEPA filters. Smart Air is a certified B company founded by Thomas Talhelm, professor at the University of Chicago and a fan of clean air. Generally speaking, air purifiers and ionizers serve the same function: they clean the air and remove allergens and pollutants. However, because they remove a much smaller range of particles, air ionizers may not be as good at eliminating allergy and asthma triggers. No consistent effect of positive or negative air ionization on anxiety, mood, relaxation, sleep, and personal comfort measures was observed. The SARS epidemic fueled the desire to manufacture personal ionizers in East Asia, including Japan (where many products have specialized to contain negative ion generators, such as toothbrushes, refrigerators, air conditioners, air filters, and washing machines).

Air ionizers make the air in a room healthier for people, especially for those who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. We've looked into everything you need to know about the debate between air purifiers and ionizers and how they can help you in your home. Air ionizers can help reduce odors and make the air appear fresher while also helping to inactivate viruses such as the flu. They are not good purifiers because they are too weak to produce an effect (they produce harmful ozone and PM2.5) (they cause particles to adhere to surfaces in the house instead of eliminating them).Air ionizers are an effective way to improve indoor air quality without relying on chemical-based solutions or expensive filters. They can help reduce odors and make the air appear fresher while also helping to inactivate viruses.

They are not good purifiers because they are too weak to produce an effect (they produce harmful ozone and PM2.5) (they cause particles to adhere to surfaces in the house instead of eliminating them). However, they can be used in conjunction with other purification methods for maximum effectiveness. Air ionizers are a great way to improve indoor air quality without relying on chemical-based solutions or expensive filters. However, when used in combination with other purification methods such as HEPA filters or activated carbon filters, they can be very effective at improving indoor air quality.

Nancy Pickell
Nancy Pickell

Evil travel scholar. Extreme webaholic. Lifelong internet buff. Total beer specialist. Unapologetic bacon maven. Wannabe internet ninja.