The Health Risks of Air Ionizers: What You Need to Know

Air ionizers have become increasingly popular in recent years, as people search for ways to improve the air quality in their homes. However, some experts are concerned that these devices may emit dangerous levels of ozone, which can be hazardous to both the environment and human health. Ozone is a lung irritant that can cause a range of health issues, including lung damage, chest pain, coughing, and shortness of breath. Under certain conditions of use, ion generators and other air filters that generate ozone can produce levels of this lung irritant that exceed the safety limits set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FDA has set a limit of 0.05 parts per million of ozone for medical devices. Ozone can be used to reduce odors and pollutants in unoccupied spaces, but the levels needed to achieve this are above what is generally considered safe for humans. The long-term health effects of air ionizers are largely unknown, although a few recent studies have raised some concerns. This means that today's ionizers may not be doing much to improve the air quality in your home. In fact, some air cleaning technologies that are marketed to combat COVID-19 may be ineffective and have unintended health consequences. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with air ionizers before using them in your home.

If you decide to use an air ionizer, make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and keep an eye on the ozone levels in your home. Additionally, it is important to regularly maintain your air filter and replace it when necessary.

Nancy Pickell
Nancy Pickell

Evil travel scholar. Extreme webaholic. Lifelong internet buff. Total beer specialist. Unapologetic bacon maven. Wannabe internet ninja.